The last video you have to watch in 2017

Catchy title right? (It’s not mine so imagine this (™) behind it) The title is actually from a Gary Vaynerchuk (GaryVee) video I saw recently. Gary is an entrepreneur, author, author and more. He can be pretty intense but he sure knows what he’s doing and is therefore, an interesting fella. He features on many ‘top people lists’ on topics of motivation, personal development and entrepreneurship. The more I read and see about him the more interesting he gets, and he has a nice way of putting some real truths out there too.  There’s little sugarcoating involved but as is true of many great names in this field, sometimes the ‘hard approach’ works, with verbal guns blazing.

Now this video is exactly that. A hard approach to the way people are handling their lives, goals and plans, and what Gary thinks of that. It’s been a few days since it was posted and they have since censored the swearing so younger audiences can watch it as well without being restricted by YouTube. Well done but I would prefer the uncensored version. Just gets the message across more properly.

It’s 11 minutes long, so take a seat or make sure you don’t have to switch trains or something halfway through. It’s worth the watch.

Take from it what you will. Obviously it won’t mean the same to everyone else, or you might not even like it at all. Side note: learn from that experience as well. Not liking something is fine, taking the time to consider why you don’t like a certain thing is better. Opinions are based on something, they have roots you might not know. Figuring these out can be just as interesting as something you do like. Accepting your own opinion is key.

Gary ends on an interesting note. He is basically saying he doesn’t want to be a motivational speaker or have people need him for that. He’d rather people do it on their, or use one or two sources (of his) to kick-start their own motivation and make it their own. “I genuinely want you to never watch me again.” he says.  I feel like I fit in the category of ‘people who constantly look for ways to motivate themselves without acting upon that drive’. Even motivated I tend to procrastinate which I then hope to combat with even more motivational nourishment. Yet I find myself putting things off anyway. It’s something I really should work on. I’ve taken some steps already to do just that and this video definitely helps a great deal.

So that is an example of what I got out of it (and much more). Again, to each their own. I just hope you can take something positive from the video. Perhaps an old or new year’s resolution or two 😉 Still two weeks left so make them count!

Have a good one and enjoy the holidays!

Interview: “Aanpak”

Iets dichter bij huis vind ik ook genoeg inspiratie, in mensen om mij heen. Een aantal van deze mensen heb ik een aantal vragen gesteld, deze post gaat om de antwoorden van één van hen, namelijk Ruben ter Haar. Over hoe hij het leven ziet en aanpakt. Wij hebben het wel vaker over dit soort onderwerpen, maar op deze manier kon ik het duidelijker op papier krijgen als mooi geheel. Het is meer een gesprek geworden dan een Q&A, maar hopelijk leest het als vraag en antwoord wat fijner door.

Q: Heb jij dagelijks een doel, een plan dat je wil uitvoeren of een rode draad die je wil volgen? Een ‘groter’ doel kan ook een overkoepelende motivatie zijn. Continue reading

Give the 100%

“Find something you really want to do, and give it 100%.”

That was the advice a friend of mine gave me once, it struck me instantly, I realized I had never committed that much to anything. I feel I have now. In the past year I have committed myself to certain things, and it taught me a great deal about myself. Testing your own resolve and finding your ‘edge’ makes it possible to see where you can go, and how much you can push yourself (beyond that). This works both physically and mentally, depending on what activity you choose to give 100% of your effort. Continue reading